We ran into an issue a few months back where licenses and leads were not being created in our LMA (License Management Application) for new trials. Without licenses, we have no way to activate a trial in the event that a trial user subscribes. We tried several workarounds before finally figuring out the issue - which was frustratingly obvious.
First, we attempted reinstalling our package over the trial, in hopes that installing the package would cause the lead and license to be created. Unfortunately, this didn't work. We now know it didn't work becuase it was an issue in our LMA.
Next, We attempted manually creating licenses, since we knew the Org IDs of the trials that had no licenses. Unfortunately, Salesforce doesn’t seem to make the association in the background. I think it may have something to do with the Package License ID, which is automatically populated on a license that’s created from creating a trial. Our manually created licenses were missing this value.
First, we attempted reinstalling our package over the trial, in hopes that installing the package would cause the lead and license to be created. Unfortunately, this didn't work. We now know it didn't work becuase it was an issue in our LMA.
Next, We attempted manually creating licenses, since we knew the Org IDs of the trials that had no licenses. Unfortunately, Salesforce doesn’t seem to make the association in the background. I think it may have something to do with the Package License ID, which is automatically populated on a license that’s created from creating a trial. Our manually created licenses were missing this value.
Finally, our technical evalgenlist (salesforce support couldn't identify the issue) was able to walk us through a few critical checks in the Org that our LMA was installed in that did eventually lead us to finding the issue and resolving it. I couldn’t find this information anywhere online, hence the reason for this blog post.
So, if you’re having issues with licenses and leads being created in your LMA, try the following:
1. Make sure your package is registered and listed properly on AppExchange
- The package version of your trial you are creating is listed
- In the leads tab on your app exchange listing, the org that contains the LMA is designated under the “Send Leads to” field.
2. In your org where your LMA is installed, check the following:
- There are not required fields on the Lead object that aren’t being populated. If there are, this could be causing the creation of the lead to fail in the background and prevent the license from being created.
- There are no custom assignment rules executing when the lead is being created that are assigning that lead to an inactive user.
- The Lead Manager on the package that the trial is for is an active user. This turned out to be our issue .